torsdag 17 juli 2014

Voyuerism in Datomic

Datomic is powerful. Did you know you can see everything you have ever done to your database?

(ns datomic.voyuer
  (:require [datomic.api :as d :refer [db q]]
            [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]))

(def uri "datomic:mem://showoff")

(def schema [{:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/db)
               :db/ident :person/name
               :db/valueType :db.type/string
               :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
               :db/doc "A persons name"
               :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
              {:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/db)
               :db/ident :person/email
               :db/unique :db.unique/identity
               :db/valueType :db.type/string
               :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
               :db/doc "A persons email, must be unique"
               :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}])

(d/create-database uri)
(def conn (d/connect uri))
(d/transact conn schema)

(d/transact conn [{:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/user)
                   :person/name "Linus"
                   :person/email ""}])

(pprint (seq (d/datoms (db conn) :eavt)))

And the result is a sequence of Datoms which can be seen as entities.

These datoms can be decoded as

[Entity id , Attribute (as a pointer to the attributes entity id), Value (as a clojure literal), Tx (as a pointer to the tx-entity), boolean added?].

I did just add empty lines between the datom-numbers and some titles where apropiate. Everything from the system partition the added schema and data is in the list. It's even well documented!

(#datom[0 10 :db.part/db 13194139533312 true] ;; datom 0 is the System partition
 #datom[0 11 0 13194139533366 true] ;;
13194139533366 a txInstant @ beginning of epoch
 #datom[0 11 3 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 11 4 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 21 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 22 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 23 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 24 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 25 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 26 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 27 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 12 56 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[0 12 57 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[0 12 58 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[0 12 59 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[0 12 60 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[0 12 61 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[0 13 10 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 11 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 12 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 13 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 14 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 15 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 16 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 17 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 18 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 19 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 39 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 40 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 41 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 42 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 43 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 44 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 45 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 46 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 47 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 50 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 51 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 52 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 13 62 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[0 13 63 13194139534312 true]
 #datom[0 13 64 13194139534312 true]
 #datom[0 14 54 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 14 55 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[0 62 "Name of the system partition. The system partition includes the core of datomic, as well as user schemas: type definitions, attribute definitions, partition definitions, and data function definitions." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[1 10 :db/add 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[1 62 "Primitive assertion. All transactions eventually reduce to a collection of primitive assertions
 and retractions of facts, e.g. [:db/add fred :age 42]." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[2 10 :db/retract 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[2 62 "Primitive retraction. All transactions eventually reduce to a collection of assertions and retractions of facts, e.g. [:db/retract fred :age 42]." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[3 10 :db.part/tx 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[3 62 "Partition used to store data about transactions. Transaction data always includes a :db/txInstant which is the transaction's timestamp, and can be extended to store other information at transaction granularity." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[4 10 :db.part/user 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[4 62 "Name of the user partition. The user partition is analogous to the default namespace in a programming language, and should be used as a temporary home for data during interactive development." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[10 10 :db/ident 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[10 40 21 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[10 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[10 42 38 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[10 62 "Attribute used to uniquely name an entity." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[11 10 :db.install/partition 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[11 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[11 41 36 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[11 62 "System attribute with type :db.type/ref. Asserting this attribute on :db.part/db with value v will install v as a partition." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[12 10 :db.install/valueType 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[12 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[12 41 36 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[12 62 "System attribute with type :db.type/ref. Asserting this attribute on :db.part/db with value v will install v as a value type." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[13 10 :db.install/attribute 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[13 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[13 41 36 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[13 62 "System attribute with type :db.type/ref. Asserting this attribute on :db.part/db with value v will install v as an attribute." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[14 10 :db.install/function 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[14 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[14 41 36 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[14 62 "System attribute with type :db.type/ref. Asserting this attribute on :db.part/db with value v will install v as a data function." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[15 10 :db/excise 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[15 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[15 41 35 13194139533366 true]

 #datom[16 10 :db.excise/attrs 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[16 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[16 41 36 13194139533366 true]

 #datom[17 10 :db.excise/beforeT 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[17 40 22 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[17 41 35 13194139533366 true]

 #datom[18 10 :db.excise/before 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[18 40 25 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[18 41 35 13194139533366 true]

 #datom[19 10 :db.alter/attribute 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[19 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[19 41 36 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[19 62 "System attribute with type :db.type/ref. Asserting this attribute on :db.part/db with value v will alter the definition o
f existing attribute v." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[20 10 :db.type/ref 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[20 39 :ref 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[20 62 "Value type for references. All references from one entity to another are through attributes with this value type." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[21 10 :db.type/keyword 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[21 39 :key 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[21 62 "Value type for keywords. Keywords are used as names, and are interned for efficiency. Keywords map to the native interned-name type in languages that support them." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[22 10 :db.type/long 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[22 39 :int 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[22 62 "Fixed integer value type. Same semantics as a Java long: 64 bits wide, two's complement binary representation." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[23 10 :db.type/string 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[23 39 :string 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[23 62 "Value type for strings." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[24 10 :db.type/boolean 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[24 39 :bool 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[24 62 "Boolean value type." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[25 10 :db.type/instant 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[25 39 :inst 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[25 62 "Value type for instants in time. Stored internally as a number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Representation type will vary depending on the language you are using." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[26 10 :db.type/fn 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[26 39 :datomic/fn 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[26 62 "Value type for database functions. See Javadoc for Peer.function." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[27 10 :db.type/bytes 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[27 39 :bytes 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[27 62 "Value type for small binaries. Maps to byte array on the JVM." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[35 10 :db.cardinality/one 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[35 62 "One of two legal values for the :db/cardinality attribute. Specify :db.cardinality/one for single-valued attributes, and :db.cardinality/many for many-valued a
ttributes." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[36 10 :db.cardinality/many 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[36 62 "One of two legal values for the :db/cardinality attribute. Specify :db.cardinality/one for single-valued attributes, and :db.cardinality/many for many-valued attributes." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[37 10 :db.unique/value 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[37 62 "Specifies that an attribute's value is unique. Attempts to create a new entity with a colliding value for a :db.unique/value will fail." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[38 10 :db.unique/identity 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[38 62 "Specifies that an attribute's value is unique. Attempts to create a new entity with a colliding value for a :db.unique/value will become upserts." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[39 10 :fressian/tag 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[39 40 21 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[39 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[39 44 true 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[39 62 "Keyword-valued attribute of a value type that specifies the underlying fressian type
used for serialization." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[40 10 :db/valueType 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[40 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[40 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[40 62 "Property of an attribute that specifies the attribute's value type. Built-in value types include, :db.type/keyword, :db.type/string, :db.type/ref, :db.type/instant, :db.type/long, :db.type/bigdec, :db.type/boolean, :db.type/float, :db.type/uuid, :db.type/double, :db.type/bigint,  :db.type/uri." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[41 10 :db/cardinality 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[41 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[41 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[41 62 "Property of an attribute. Two possible values: :db.cardinality/one for single-valued attributes, and :db.cardinality/many for many-valued attributes. Defaults to :db.cardinality/one." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[42 10 :db/unique 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[42 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[42 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[42 62 "Property of an attribute. If value is
 :db.unique/value, then attribute value is unique to each entity. Attempts to insert a duplicate value for a temporary entity id will fail. If value is :db.unique/identity, then attribute value is unique, and upsert is enabled. Attempting to insert a duplicate value for a temporary entity id will cause all attributes associated with that temporary id to be merged with the entity already in the database. Defaults to nil." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[43 10 :db/isComponent 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[43 40 24 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[43 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[43 62 "Property of attribute whose vtype is :db.type/ref. If true, then the attribute is a component of the entity referencing it. When you query for an entire entity, components are fetched automatically. Defaults to nil." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[44 10 :db/index 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[44 40 24 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[44 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[44 62 "Property of an attribute. If true, create an AVET index for th
e attribute. Defaults to false." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[45 10 :db/noHistory 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[45 40 24 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[45 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[45 62 "Property of an attribute. If true, past values of the attribute are not retained after indexing. Defaults to false." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[46 10 :db/lang 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[46 40 20 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[46 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[46 62 "Attribute of a data function. Value is a keyword naming the implementation language of the function. Legal values are :db.lang/java and :db.lang/clojure" 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[47 10 :db/code 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[47 40 23 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[47 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[47 51 true 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[47 62 "String-valued attribute of a data function that contains the function's source code." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[48 10 :db.lang/clojure 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[48 62 "Value of :db/lang attribute, spec
ifying that a data function is implemented in Clojure." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[49 10 :db.lang/java 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[49 62 "Value of :db/lang attribute, specifying that a data function is implemented in Java." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[50 10 :db/txInstant 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[50 40 25 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[50 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[50 44 true 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[50 62 "Attribute whose value is a :db.type/instant. A :db/txInstant is recorded automatically with every transaction." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[51 10 :db/fulltext 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[51 40 24 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[51 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[51 62 "Property of an attribute. If true, create a fulltext search index for the attribute. Defaults to false." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[52 10 :db/fn 13194139533312 true]
 #datom[52 40 26 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[52 41 35 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[52 62 "A function-valued attribute for direct use by transactions and qu
eries." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[53 10 :db.bootstrap/part 13194139533312 true]

 #datom[54 10 :db.fn/retractEntity 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[54 46 48 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[54 47 "(clojure.core/fn [db e] (datomic.builtins/build-retract-args db e))" 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[54 62 "Retract all facts about an entity, including references from other entities and component attributes recursively." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[55 10 :db.fn/cas 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[55 46 48 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[55 47 "(clojure.core/fn [db e a ov nv] (datomic.builtins/compare-and-swap db e a ov nv))" 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[55 62 "Compare and swap the value of an entity's attribute." 13194139533375 true]

Database value types: 

#datom[56 10 :db.type/uuid 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[56 39 :uuid 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[56 62 "Value type for UUIDs. Maps to java.util.UUID on the JVM." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[57 10 :db.type/double 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[57 39 :double 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[57 62 "Float
ing point value type. Same semantics as a Java double: double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[58 10 :db.type/float 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[58 39 :float 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[58 62 "Floating point value type. Same semantics as a Java float: single-precision 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[59 10 :db.type/uri 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[59 39 :uri 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[59 62 "Value type for URIs. Maps to on the JVM." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[60 10 :db.type/bigint 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[60 39 :bigint 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[60 62 "Value type for arbitrary precision integers. Maps to java.math.BigInteger on the JVM." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[61 10 :db.type/bigdec 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[61 39 :bigdec 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[61 62 "Value type for arbitrary precision floating point numbers. Maps to java.math.BigDecimal on the JVM." 13194139533375 true]

 #datom[62 10 :db/doc 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[62 40 23 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[62 41 35 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[62 51 true 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[62 62 "Documentation string for an entity." 13194139533375 true]

The added schema:

 #datom[63 10 :person/name 13194139534312 true]
63 40 23 13194139534312 true]
63 41 35 13194139534312 true]
63 62 "A persons name" 13194139534312 true]

 #datom[64 10 :person/email 13194139534312 true]
64 40 23 13194139534312 true]
64 41 35 13194139534312 true]
64 42 38 13194139534312 true]
64 62 "A persons email, must be unique" 13194139534312 true]

TxInstants, starts at entity id 13194139533366:

 #datom[13194139533366 50 #inst "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00" 13194139533366 true]
 #datom[13194139533368 50 #inst "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00" 13194139533368 true]
 #datom[13194139533375 50 #inst "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000-00:00" 13194139533375 true]
 #datom[13194139534312 50 #inst "2014-07-17T16:30:23.535-00:00" 13194139534312 true]
 #datom[13194139534313 50 #inst "2014-07-17T16:30:23.541-00:00" 13194139534313 true]

Added facts

 #datom[17592186045418 63 "Linus" 13194139534313 true]
 #datom[17592186045418 64 "" 13194139534313 true])

Spy with Timbre

Peter Taoussanis Timbre logging library is awesome. It's dead easy to get started with - add a dependecy and you're done.

One really usable features in it (apart from the ordinary "write this to log" functions) is spy.

spy let's you wrap an expression and log both the expression and it's result, like so:

(require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])

(defn some-function [argh]
    (timbre/spy (reverse argh)))

(defn some-other-function [x]
    (timbre/spy (map rand-int x)))

(some-other-function (some-function [1 2 34]))
2014-Jul-17 18:12:06 +0200 Albatron-5 DEBUG [user] - (reverse argh) (34 2 1)
2014-Jul-17 18:12:06 +0200 Albatron-5 DEBUG [user] - (map rand-int x) (30 0 0)
-> (30 0 0)

The result of the two above functions are not apparent, and there is good reason to keep an eye on intermediate results. This can be tedious when not in light-table. Not so with spy.